Brasil Terminal Portuário (BTP) has been authorized by the Ministry of Ports and Airports and Santos Port Authority to operate at Port of Santos for an additional 20 years. As part of the contract extending until 2047, BTP plans to invest R$ 1.9 billion (approximately USD 380 million) in the container terminal over the coming years. This represents one of the largest private investments in port infrastructure in Brazil in the last 10 years.
The protocol for the renewal request was submitted in May 2021 to the Port Authority, with an initial commitment of R$ 1.5 billion (approximately USD 308 million). The process went through all required stages with transparency and adherence to regulatory frameworks, addressing information requests from authorities.
The final vote by the Federal Court of Accounts (TCU) unanimously endorsed the process on the last day of 6th. With the authorisation of the BTP lease renewal on this date, the investment amounts were adjusted, and BTP will invest R$ 1.9 billion according to the initial commitment with the government, an amount that could reach a total of R$ 2.5 billion (approximately USD 514 million).
40% Increase in Capacity
For BTP's CEO, Ricardo Arten, the company's priority is to increase the operational capacity of the terminal by 40%. "We will grow in efficiency and sustainability, with a lot of innovation and new electrified and more digital equipment, in line with our ESG [Environment, Social, and Governance] guidelines. We aspire to be a reference in excellent port operation that combines economic development, job creation, environmental respect, and social inclusion," he states. With the increase, handling capacity can reach 2.1 million TEU per year.
The company's investment package for the increased operational capacity includes acquiring a new fleet of electrified equipment, new maritime defenses for the dock, gate automation, and an extensive civil construction plan for building adjustments.
The quay capacity will be expanded with the purchase of four new and modern ship-to-shore cranes, bringing the total to 12 units, in addition to new defenses. At the same time, yard capacity will be expanded, especially in the reefer area, increasing from the current 2,128 to about 3,500 refrigerated outlets. Additionally, 27 rubber tyre gantry cranes and 46 terminal tractors will be acquired.
Investment History
The BTP lease contract was signed in 2001 (effective from 22/01/2007) for a period of 20 years, extendable for another 20, based on the Brazilian Ports Law (8.630/1993). In addition to the planned investments with the contract renewal, which now runs from 2027 to 2047, BTP has already accumulated an equivalent investment of R$ 4.6 billion (approximately USD 946 million) between 2007 and 2023.
For more information:
Monica Martinez
Brasil Terminal Portuário
Tel.: +507 63302819