Early seasonal conditions for the MY 2023/24 citrus crop have been favorable, and producers expect to benefit from an easing of fertilizer and crop protection chemical costs, along with a further easing of labor constraints. Orange production is expected to increase five percent to 530,000 metric tons (MT) from the prior’s year estimate, the second highest over the last two decades. Tangerine/mandarin production is forecast at 180,000 MT, the third highest on record. Orange exports are forecast to increase by 13 percent to 180,000 MT, and tangerine/mandarin exports are expected to reach 85,000 MT for MY 2023/24. Orange juice production is forecast to fall by four percent to 15,400 MT, mainly due to the anticipated improvement of fresh (navel) orange fruit quality, while imports are forecast to remain stable at 14,000 MT.
Orange exports are forecast at 180,000 MT, a much larger result than the estimated 160,000 MT of exports in MY 2022/23, primarily due to the higher production forecast. If achieved, this export forecast would be the fifth largest on record. Domestic consumption is also forecast for a boost to 160,000 MT in the forecast year from an estimate of 145,000 MT in MY 2022/23. However, the volume of oranges for processing is forecast to decline by five percent to 200,000 MT on the expectation of improved fresh orange fruit quality in the forecast year.
Mandarin planted area in Australia continues to expand at a greater rate than navel oranges (fresh), but also has a greater diversity of production regions than for oranges. Mandarin planted area has increased by 50 percent since 2014, with a particular focus on seedless varieties, much of which will begin bearing fruit in the coming years, boosting production and export growth to record levels. Mandarin production is forecast at 180,000 MT for MY 2023/24 and exports at 85,000 MT - near record levels. Domestic consumption is expected to remain unchanged at 94,000 MT in the forecast year.
Australia’s forecast production of orange juice is expected to fall by four percent to 15,400 MT, mainly due to the anticipated improvement of fresh (navel) orange fruit quality, reducing the forecast volume of oranges for processing. Orange juice imports are forecast to remain unchanged at 14,000 MT from the MY 2022/23 estimate. However, exports are forecast to fall back to 4,000 MT from the 5,000 MT estimated for MY 2022/23. Domestic consumption of orange juice is forecast to remain similar to recent past levels at 25,500 MT.
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Source: apps.fas.usda.gov