The new Limoré lemon season in Italy began just before Christmas. Volumes were initially low due to slight temperature fluctuations that delayed the coloration of the fruit and ongoing drought conditions that hindered the growth of the fruit.
Slow coloring of the lemons due to the mild temperatures
"Despite the good demand from the Italian and foreign retail trade, we prefer to wait until the fruit has reached the highest standard of quality. However, we do not expect sales to recover until after Epiphany. The effects of climate change can no longer be in denial. High temperatures and several months of drought have caused the fruit to stop growing," says Pietro Buongiorno, president of the Consortium of Rocca Imperiale Lemon Growers.
Processing and packaging
In this fourth season after the launch of the Limorè brand, there are two new features.
Partnership with Jonica
"We've entered into a partnership with the Jonica growers' association, who's active on both organic and conventional markets," he continues. "The increasingly fierce competition in the lemon sector is forcing us to differentiate ourselves with a product with added value, also through the highlighting of its origin. With the help of agronomists, we are introducing pesticide-free cultivation on a large part of our orchards. Consumers are guaranteed a product with control over the entire supply chain.”
The consortium currently has more than 60 hectares of land and the organization provides its members with technical assistance in the cultivation of the crop as well as in obtaining the necessary certifications for the retail trade. It also takes care of the harvest, the packaging and the marketing of the product. "More and more of the local producers are asking us to take part in the Limorè project as well. These requests are always carefully considered by the consortium with a view to the expansion of the farmer base. Limorè is looking for dedicated entrepreneurs ready to face any challenge. After all, we are convinced that it is only through cooperation that we can be a cut above the rest.”
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia
The Persian Gulf is also on the agenda for this new season. "We have a project in the United Arab Emirates with several well-known supermarket chains. We are introducing a new type of packaging. It consists of a box of four lemons, easily carried home with a handle. Both sides of the box have information about the brand product, in Italian and English. It will be a challenging but undoubtedly rewarding season.”
For more information:Consorzio Produttori di Limoni Associati
Sede operativa, Contrada Mantice snc
87074 Rocca Imperiale (CS) - Italy
(+39) 349 4694903