The supply of blueberries is getting better. “However they’re still a little snug because the Chilean crop overall is down about 20 percent,” says Tony Biondo of Trucco Inc. “It started slow out of Chile but it’s picking up now.”
This year, Trucco, Inc. received Chilean blueberries much earlier than usual. Biondo says that its shippers were keen on making the most of a really good market, especially since it was looking great in early December. “The Peruvian season was a bit tight on supply, so we couldn't do many promotions,” he says. “However now things are looking up and we've got more chances to run some promotions. We're expecting to keep getting shipments until March, with the biggest bunch of them starting in early February."
Other shipping regions
Peru is also still shipping blueberries at this time of year, but with less volume than anticipated.
At the same time, Colombia is also shipping some blueberries as is Mexico, though the latter’s fruit is largely destined for the West Coast or is staying in the Texas region.
Demand for blueberries is strong and Biondo anticipates it to stay that way for the rest of the season.
For more information:
Yasmin Pacia
Tel: (914) 391-5990