A unique grape variety, named VSD and measuring three inches in length, is being cultivated by Sachin Shivappa Doddamala, an innovative farmer from Basaragi village, Belagavi. This variety, also grown by a farmer from Maharashtra's Kawatemahakala village, has undergone numerous tests and has piqued the interest of farmers in both states.
Currently, Sachin's farm is attracting visits from Maharashtra and Karnataka farmers keen to learn about this high-yield grape crop. The VSD variety is highly profitable, producing over 20 tons per acre and selling at a rate of Rs. 60 to Rs. 80 per kg.
The VSD grapes, renowned for their smooth texture, are exported globally through Mumbai to countries including Dubai, America, and Australia. Sachin told ETV Bharat, "We are also traditionally growing grapes in an area of 70 acres. However, a farmer in the village of Kavatemahaka had grown VSD grapes and experimented with the yield."
[ Rs. 100 = €1.10 ]
Source: etvbharat.com