The rainy season is affecting the quality and price of fruits and vegetables imported into Singapore from Malaysia. According to traders, the supply of these produce in Malaysia has dwindled, leading to an increase in wholesale prices. Consequently, vendors are compelled to transfer these additional costs to consumers.
Despite these reports, the Singapore Fruits & Vegetables Importers & Exporters Association (SFVIEA) maintains that the weather has improved over the past week and anticipates a reduction in fruit and vegetable prices. A trader revealed that wholesale prices have slightly increased but that he strives to maintain consumer prices.
An employee at a Kovan Market fruit stall mentioned that fruits imported from Malaysia include pineapple, watermelon, papaya, and banana. She disclosed that the rain has cut the supply by about one-third, and the prices of fruits such as bananas and watermelons have also risen. The specific price hike varies, but typically, the price for one kilogram of fruit has gone up by 20 to 40 cents. Vendors are left with no choice but to pass on part of the cost to consumers.