"Each year, more supermarkets are stocking Metis® products on their shelves, and more and more consumers associate Metis with quality and added value in plums, as well as an alternative to traditional products," state the brand's representatives.
This year, a record-breaking figure of over 60 retailers has distributed the more than 5,500 tons that have been put on the market. Metis family products have been available from mid-May to late November, making it one of the longest seasons.
"The meticulous work carried out by producers, as well as the quality and promotions, have given a boost to the collaboration of retailers with Metis Group. Furthermore, this year there has been a special emphasis on supplying only the best quality to the markets with the aim of exceeding consumer expectations," they say.
"One of Metis greatest strengths, and one that consumers appreciate, is the wide range of colors, flavors, and aromas available in the range. Consumers are guaranteed access to a superior quality product; always sweet, crunchy and tasty, and with the nuances each variety brings, not falling into the routine of the usual reddish tones, which gives way to something more exotic and unique. The brand has been able to convey to the consumer that each variety offers a surprising taste, and the brand's reputation assures them that the taste will also be outstanding, motivating them to explore the entire range of colors," says the Metis Group.
"All of this has been possible thanks to the effort, collaboration and passion of Metis fruit producers such as Blue Whale (France), Royal (Spain) or Granfrutta Zani (Italy) who are developing their own know-how and sharing their experiences with the aim of achieving optimal common results and ensuring the product's consistency throughout the campaign," they say.
Improvements in production and cultivation technology, the development of early and late varieties to extend the calendar, or the exploration of new flavors and colors are some of the projects being developed with the aim of remaining the main plum project in Europe, continuing to surprise the consumer and earning a permanent place on the shelves.
"We are also paying special attention to the promotion of the product's benefits and will continue to innovate for the next season in our marketing initiatives to remain in line with market trends. We will also continue betting on a strong and recognizable brand in the markets," says the Metis Group.
For more information:
Camille Herouard
Plumtastic Europe
T: +33(0)4 90 16 46 13
Email: camille.herouard@star-fruits.com