The new Eden Gold pear variety is making inroads across Europe and the rest of the world with new partners and licencing into new territories. “Fruits harvested during mid-August in the South of France will be offered for tasting in Berlin at the Ben Dor Stand together with our partner Escande,” says Ido Ben Dor, from Israel’s Ben Dor Fruits and Nurseries that has over 700 different fruit varieties.
He says the Eden Gold will, in the near future, be planted on 1,000 hectares. “Eden is the most exciting development globally, there is a lot of interest and we are expanding with new partners and licensing in new territories. The acceptance in wholesale markets and the retailers is extremely positive, opening specific lines and shelves in new supermarkets. Keeping the awareness and the demand higher than the offered volume is important at this stage. We are expecting 1,000 hectares globally in the coming years, and we want to build it in the best way possible.
“This is the most important commercial feedback. In several new countries in Europe, the feedback after the first year of sales is very positive. We were surprised how well consumers responded, finding in this fruit characteristics never before seen in pears and attracting consumers not usually fond of this fruit. Sales volumes for the 2023 campaign were targeted for Italy Germany and Greece; moreover, the product was tested in Austria and Switzerland, where we will launch the commercial campaign next year. These results have confirmed what we have been waiting for in order to be able to proceed with the development of the product in the coming years. The first plantations are booked in France, Spain and Italy and long storage tests are in process in CTIFL St Remy, First fruit from test orchards were harvested for the first time in the United States, where we work strongly with our partners for fast development,” explains Ben Dor.
He says the Eden Gold will also be planted in Morocco this year. “Morocco is similar to Israel, with challenging water supplies for the orchards. We believe this country will perform well with our varieties, this winter we are expecting the first plantation of Eden Gold commercially and stone fruit as well.”
Other new varieties
“We have new products from the breeding program focusing in new areas and achieving new products, such as winter plums harvested in autumn with 30+ Brix that can store well for most of the winter, until April. We have new deep unique flavour varieties in nectarines, plums and apricots,” states Ben Dor.
Effect on breeding
Ben Dor says last October’s attacks on Israel and the resultant war had some effect on the breeding projects too. “The situation in Israel has stopped since Fruit Attraction as we came back straight to the war. Our sector is struggling especially growers close to the border. We try to keep the business as regular as possible, but the war has significantly changed a lot. Also some breeding projects suffered from the situation. Nevertheless, we are positive and believe in a good future for our region and globally.”
The Nursery held a few open days in the production fields in Italy and France. Due to their unique varieties the Ben Dor stand in Berlin usually has many visitors, which is why he has expanded the space this year. “We expect more traffic this year and expanded our stand area accordingly. The open days went well during 2023, we even conducted open days for growers now in winter in Israel, but because of the war not all visitors were able to come.”
Taste the new Eden Gold pears at the Ben Dor Fruits Nursery stand in Berlin Hall 5.2 Stand C52.
For more information:
Ido Ben Dor
Ben Dor Fruits and Nurseries
Tel: +972-4-6931161