Zizi Howell, known as the "Carrot Lady," has an extraordinary obsession with carrots. She proudly owns 35 carrot tattoos and over a thousand pieces of carrot memorabilia. Her dedication extends to her diet, as she consumes three carrot-based meals daily. Zizi's fascination with carrots also has an emotional aspect; after her mother passed away, she saved for four years to purchase a custom-built, six-foot tall fiberglass carrot urn worth $4,000, where she now keeps her mother's ashes.
This unique obsession began over 40 years ago and has become a defining part of her identity. Interestingly, Zizi, who has no family history of red hair, gave birth to a red-haired "carrot-top" son, further cementing her connection to carrots. Despite her enthusiasm, her teenage son and husband are less keen on adopting her carrot-loving lifestyle.