"Autopilot at work" is the slogan for Elettra, a self-propelled hybrid robot developed for vineyard and orchard treatments, specifically in inconvenient areas (e.g. narrow and sloping rows such as the ones in Trentino Alto Adige or the terracing in Liguria), but which can be used anywhere. The robot was officially presented to the public at Fieragricola in Verona.
Angelo Saracino, Pietro Basile and Roberto Guida
"This solution boasts numerous new features. First of all, it is self-propelled. We have patented a path 'register' so, once a route has been set for the first time, the robot will replicate it exactly," explains Roberto Guida from Agricobots.
The motor is a hybrid one: the main supply is diesel, but there is an alternator that charges the batteries so Elettra can be electric too. It currently mounts a 450 liter water tank, but a larger one could also be installed.
"The control system is based on computer vision with the use of data fusion algorithms for autonomous and reliable navigation. The command, control and monitoring system works via an app. The accuracy is 5 cm."
Elettra will be showcased at Fieragricola (hall 11) until February 3, 2024.
For further information:
Via Tanaro, 13/A 20017
Rho (MI) Italy