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Rudolf Lamprecht, Managing Director of B. Hornburger Ltd:

Firm potato prices from last year are continuing into this year

"The fixed prices from last year for potatoes are continuing this year," says Rudolf Lamprecht, Managing Director of B. Hornburger Ltd at the Munich wholesale market. "The prices from the previous year might even be surpassed if the trend continues to develop this way. The situation could of course change again in six weeks, although no negative trend is currently apparent. This price development can be observed with all potato varieties. The price situation for onions is similar." The prices are between 52.00 and 60.00 EUR/100 kg, while the prices for Cypriot goods are between 100.00 and 108.00 EUR/100 kg.

"The stock levels from certain areas in Bavaria and in the Palatinate are almost empty. So, only small quantities are available. A reliable forecast for the figures can only be determined from mid-March. At the same time, the first quantities from Cyprus have been available to us for four weeks already. The quality of the Cypriot potatoes is very good, but the demand is still relatively manageable. Small quantities from Italy have also already arrived, but demand is not yet apparent here either," says Lamprecht. "Some time ago, we sold a few bags of the Monalisa variety. The business with this variety has since evaporated."

The fiscal year 2023 went very well for B. Hornburger Ltd, says Lamprecht. "Currently, the situation at the wholesale market is rather quiet, which is also typical for this time of year. The major impulses will only occur again with the buyer layers that can be found at the weekly markets. From the end of February to mid-March, purchasing will intensify again. If the demand remains as weak as it is now until then, we would have to start worrying. But usually, it should stabilize again."

For more information:
Rudolf Lamprecht
B. Hornburger GmbH
Schäftlarnstr. 10
81371 Munich
Phone: +49 - (0) 89 - 77 43 91 + 7 47 05 02
Fax: +49 - (0) 89 - 76 70 42 16
Email: [email protected]

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