The overarching position for Australian avocados in 2024 is for a big season, volumes are up from the current Western Australian season which will continue through to October. Volumes from New South Wales and Queensland will also be up and the crop is looking good. Overall volumes will increase by 20% on the 2023 crop.
Production has not been disrupted by the storms and bad weather to date, rain has been the only impact, but no damage as yet, but the cyclone season still has two months to run.
“It’s going to be a bigger export year for us and the industry as a whole. We will hit 200+ 40-foot sea containers in 2024,” said Antony Allen CEO of The Avolution.
The first export of avocados to India were sent by air at the start of January, and have been flowing since and the first sea container has been sent also. The protocol requires India registered orchards and packhouses, and inspection by an Australian Government Authorised Officer.
“Air volumes are smaller and introductory and sea containers are already going, volumes are small but export standard, ten tonnes per week to start. By the end of this year we expect a seven-fold increase.”
Initially the receivers will be importers as retailers in India don’t yet import avocados directly from Australia.
At the moment avocado production is from Western Australia, North Queensland will start in February. Australia’s other main export markets are Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Middle East.
For more information:
Antony Allen
The Avolution