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Dieter Heerklotz from Sachsenobst Marketing Company:

"We probably won't quite manage to transition into the new season with Gala and Elstar"

In the Free State of Saxony, they are looking back on a good first half of this year's apple season. "We have less volume, but better quality than we were able to harvest in the abundant apple year of 2022," says Dieter Heerklotz, Managing Director of Sachsenobst Marketing Company (SOVG). Current inventory levels are about 20 percent below last year's level. "We still have sufficient quantities of Golden Delicious, Braeburn, and the Jonagold group in stock. For Elstar and Gala, we are already supplementing our stock with produce from other growing areas in Germany."

Contrary to last season, producer prices have so far been stable and satisfactory. "We are doing well, the current season has started with good prices and sales volumes. However, it should also be mentioned that the purchase volumes per head is moving back towards pre-Corona levels. The Corona-effect has fizzled out, but sales have been boosted by the higher prices," outlines Heerklotz. "In my view, the price situation will remain firm and stable in the near future. Nevertheless, there is increasing pressure in the lower price entry segment from foreign produce, especially from Poland. However, I don't foresee any major marketing problems for German apples. The only problem we will have is that we will probably not be able to fully transition into the new season for certain varieties, namely Gala and Elstar."

Dieter Heerklotz (Sachsenobst) and Lars Viertel (Saale Obst) at the VEOS booth at last year's Fruit Logistica. The distribution of fresh fruit produced by the SOVG is handled by VEOS.

In addition to the standard varieties, the company also markets several club apples from regional production, including the Fräulein variety for the first time this year. Heerklotz: "We have planted a total of 60,000 trees and can now offer the first market-relevant quantities. However, it will still take a few years before the plants reach full yield." The core fruit assortment of Sachsenobst is rounded off by pears from regional production. Here, the end of the season is increasingly approaching. "We have a smaller pear harvest than in the 22/23 season at a comparable price level. Alexander Lucas and Conference have been sold out since the beginning of January, smaller quantities of Cepuna and Xenia will probably be available until April."

The member farms of the SOVG are also confronted with the difficult framework conditions, such as extreme weather, increased minimum wages, and rising energy prices. "In view of the weather events, modern irrigation and hail protection technology are absolutely necessary. Orchards without this equipment will increasingly be difficult to manage, which in turn will make it more difficult to achieve stable and good yields. Especially with club varieties, such risks must be minimized as much as possible. Compared to other growing areas in Germany, we have so far been spared major hail or heavy rain events, but we have had frost several times in recent years. So, we are all in the same boat," Heerklotz concludes.

Visit the company at the Fruit Logistica at the VEOS booth: Hall 21 / B-50

Images: Sachsenobst

For more information:
Dieter Heerklotz
Sachsenobst Marketing Company mbH Dürrweitzschen (SOVG)
Obstland-Straße 48
04668 Grimma-Dürrweitzschen
Tel.: +49 34386 95-158
Email: [email protected]

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