The campaign of Maltese oranges, produced exclusively on Tunisia's Cap Bon peninsula (which produces over 75% of the country's citrus fruit), started about two weeks ago. This year is very different from the previous season, according to Mourad Ben Salem, manager of Med Essor, a company which has been marketing this unique citrus fruit for almost 15 years.
Maltese oranges sold under the Med Essor brand
Small calibers this year
The quality is very good, but the lack of rain during the flowering phase has had an impact on sizes. “This year, there is a predominance of small sizes (9/10), which has led to significant sorting differences - 40% of the produce was rejected immediately.” This contrasts with the previous season, which tended towards a majority of large calibers. The drop in marketable volumes should keep the season running until the end of March, as opposed to mid-April for a “normal” campaign.
A fluid market
This year, Egypt arrived on the market with force (due to the drop in production in Spain and Italy). However, Egypt did not succeed in overshadowing the “Queen of Oranges”. “Everyone has turned to Maltese oranges again,” explains Mourad. “Few oranges can compete with it”, because in addition to its taste qualities, the Maltese orange can be consumed both as a table orange and as a juice orange. On the market, the drop in volume has led to “fluid sales at very reasonable prices,” between 0.8 and 1.5 euros [0.9 - 1.6 USD] depending on the size.
This year, the Maltese oranges will benefit from special events and tastings in French supermarkets, thanks to a partnership with Gifruits (Interprofessional Group for Tunisian Fruit). Dates have not yet been announced.
For more information:
Mourad Ben Salem
Rue de Carpentras CP90295
94592 Rungis Cedex
Phone: 01 41 80 64 60
Mobile: 06 73 35 37 41