medFEL invites all Fruit and Vegetable sector professionals to its next edition on 24 and 25 April, 2024, at Perpignan exhibition centre in France. Isabelle Autissier and Tomás García Azcárate are this year's two special guest speakers.
mdFEL 2024 special guest speakers Tomás García Azcárate and Isabelle Autissier.
As the benchmark event for the fruit and vegetable industry in France, medFEL is a genuine venue for dialogue between professionals committed to sustainability, whether exhibitors or visitors: trading relations, summer fruit harvest forecasts, insight into market trends and expectations from society are all at the heart of the show. The programme of talks held in the Agora will be an opportunity to decipher the big issues facing the sector’s professionals.
medFEL is an exhibition owned by the Occitania / Pyrénées-Méditerranée Regional Council, organised by the regional economic development agency AD’OCC and SPAS Organisation.
Two special guests at 2024 edition
Every year – and this has become a standout feature of the exhibition – medFEL invites two special guest speakers to offer their perspective and share a moment of thought and discussion with the professionals in attendance.
Autissier will talk on the subject of “How do you navigate through a world in crisis” in
the exhibition’s Agora on 24 April, 2024.
He will answer questions at a talk on the subject of “What is the European agricultural policy for fresh fruit and vegetables?” on 25 April in the medFEL Agora.
The contributions from the special guest speakers will be rounded out by a programme of talks and round tables to discuss the main topical issues for the industry:
Wednesday, 24 April, 2024
- Is the increasing amount of plant-based food in collective catering to the benefit of fruit and vegetables?
- How to navigate through a world in crisis?
- Organic: how to reinvent oneself ? Conquering without going astray.
Thursday, 24 April, 2024
- Can artificial intelligence revolutionise our sector?
- What European policy for fresh fruit and vegetables?
- Climate change: the “new” production sectors
Another key highlight of the medFEL calendar each year is the traditional presentation of summer fruit harvest forecasts, which will come in addition to the talks programme. The anticipations for melon plantations and European apricot harvests will be unveiled live at the show, then those for peaches and nectarines will be presented during a webinar as part of the “medFEL Tuesdays” on 21 May 2024.
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