Jordi Ametller, co-owner of the Catalan group Ametller Origen, said that "not only are Egyptian oranges sold at a lower price, but they are also introduced into the European market without having undergone the same checks as the foods produced on the continent."
In this regard, Ametller is critical about European legislation. "Laws are passed without learning about the actual situation in the fields or listening to the needs of each country. Mediterranean agriculture has nothing to do with that of Central Europe and, as usual, France and Germany's criteria are imposed."
Regarding the EU's price policy, he acknowledged that there exist mechanisms to prevent fraudulent practices, but he believes more is needed, as there is still no balance when it comes to prices. To address the problem, he proposed stricter inspections on the productions, demanding certifications on phytosanitary and environmental policies. "The working conditions should also be checked. Checks could actually be carried out in the fields and employees in the farms could be interviewed," said Ametller.
"We want to recover the lost acreage in Catalonia"
In fact, Grupo Ametller Origen aims to reduce dependence on foreign products through an ambitious agricultural expansion plan. "We want to recover the lost acreage in Catalonia. In the last 30 years, 80% of the area devoted to horticultural production in this territory has been abandoned," says the executive. The company's commitment involves building an Agroparc in the municipality of Gelida and recovering agricultural land in Baix Llobregat. In Catalonia, the company already has farms in Baix Penedès, Maresme and Delta de l'Ebre. And in the rest of Spain, it has farmlands in Valencia, Murcia and Andalusia, along the Mediterranean coast up to Almería. At the moment, they produce half of their products themselves and the other half come from third parties.