As a next step in its ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable food chain, Nature’s Pride shared at Fruit Logistica its new ambitions for the care of people and nature towards 2028. The company includes biodiversity conservation in its growing areas as part of its new ambitions. The successful recent pilot of GLOBALG.A.P.'s BioDiversity add-on underlines the company’s commitment.
UnlimitedGroup, ZZ2, GlobalGAP and Natures Pride at Fruit Logistica 2024.
After introducing social audits and water audits as the first in the sector, Nature’s Pride now is the first to pilot the new Biodiversity add-on outside of Europe. It is a farm-level audit, created by Lidl and GLOBAL.G.A.P. . c/o FoodPLUS GmbH, that helps growers demonstrate their biodiversity management practices to retailers and traders.
“To ensure that the thousands of people in our chain can use their talents and everyone can enjoy healthy food, we very consciously make progressive choices in our responsibility for our care for people and nature. By working together across the ecosystem, we can really continue to make the necessary difference. I'm very proud that Nature’s Pride, together with our dedicated growers, has now piloted this new and scalable approach to map on-farm biodiversity management practices,” says Adriëlle Dankier, Chief Executive Officer of Nature's Pride.
“Biodiversity is one of the world’s most precious resources. The protection, restoration, and enhancement of on-farm biodiversity is under increasing scrutiny across the value chain and now represents a major concern for brand owners, retailers, and consumers alike. It offers a practical and cost-efficient path for producers to implement and demonstrate farm-level best practices that contribute to the sustainability of surrounding ecosystems’, says Elmé Coetzer-Boersma, Managing Director of GLOBALG.A.P. c/o FoodPLUS GmbH.
Five farms from growers Unlimited Group and ZZ2 in South Africa successfully piloted the BioDiversity add-on. During Fruit Logistica, growers were presented with a butterfly statuette by Nature's Pride, in appreciation of their efforts to conserve biodiversity.
"More than two decades ago ZZ2 decided to steer away from conventional agriculture towards farming in harmony with nature. We put a lot of effort and resources into our ‘Natuurboerdery’ concept and today ZZ2 implements a wide array of practices that enhance biodiversity in and around our farms. We are delighted to independently verify and formally document these best practices through the pilot with Nature’s Pride’, says Clive Garrett, Marketing Manager at ZZ2.
Yukon Unlimited Group
“Nature is the basis of our operations, protecting her means protecting our business and the jobs we create for our communities. Doing the pilot was a helpful exercise to structure our activities in the field of biodiversity and to present them in a comprehensive and convincing way to the outside world,” says Hans Muylaert-Gelein, Managing Director of Unlimited Group.
For more information:
Daisy van Meurs
Nature's Pride