After much consideration and deliberation, the Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association’s board of directors has decided to close the association.
In 1993, the Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Association was founded to give a voice to growers from Desoto and Hardee County. Throughout the following years of establishment, the association was able to expand and represent three new counties: Sarasota, Manatee, and Charlotte.
This decision comes after facing numerous challenges that have significantly impacted the association’s ability to operate effectively. Despite best efforts to overcome these obstacles, the continued decline in citrus production, market fluctuations and other factors have led the board to this conclusion.
The board wanted to ensure the remaining funds would be used to make positive impacts on the industry for years to come. It was decided that the association would take $20,000 to create the Peace River Valley Citrus Growers Scholarship. Florida Citrus Mutual will manage and maintain the scholarship foundation. It is being set up for a graduating student from Hardee and Desoto County pursuing an agricultural degree. Each student will receive $1,000 each. This scholarship will continue until funds run out. There is an account that will be opened up if any grower/company would like to donate to keep the scholarship funded.
Despite best efforts to overcome its obstacles, the continued decline in citrus production, market fluctuations and other factors have led the board to decide to close the association.
Throughout the years, the association has hosted Grower Round tables which offered opportunities for members to share practices, bounce ideas off each other and more. It was decided to take the remaining funds to ensure that these round table events continue to happen. They will be held throughout the region and Florida Citrus Mutual will manage these as well.
Despite industry struggles and Hurricane Ian, executive director Emma Keller has continued to fight, protect and remain loyal to the association’s growers. The association and the board are thankful to have had the pleasure of working with her and wish her the best in the next chapter of her life.
The association’s board and staff thank its growers and industry allies.