The South African Table Grape Industry (Sati) body said their season is expected to end earlier than last year, which concluded in Week 14. By Week six the SA table grape industry had passed the three-quarter mark of its packing season, with 78% (59.5 million cartons) of its estimated volumes packed.
Up until Week 06, the industry continued to utilise divergent logistics strategies for SA's table grape exports. Although not ideal due to the increased cost, a further 1.8 million cartons were diverted from Cape Town to PE for export in Week 06, bringing the total volume of grapes exported through this port to 4.7 million cartons for the season, accounting for 10% of all exports to date.
Approximately one million cartons of grapes were exported by conventional vessels in Week 06, which brings exports by conventional vessels to 10% of the season's total exports to date.
National Volumes and update
A total of 59.5 million cartons were inspected for export up until Week 06, which is 18% more than the same time last year. A total of 46.6 million cartons were exported up until Week 06, which is 19% more than the same time last year. A difference of 12.9 million cartons exists between inspected and exported figures, which includes the following: (12.5 mill in 2022/23), 4.8 million cartons in cold stores 5.8 million cartons planned exports, not yet sailed.
Production regional Updates
The Northern Region has finished packing and exceeded the crop estimate of 5.8 million cartons by 130,000 cartons (2%), with a final inspection total of 6.0 million cartons.
Most areas in the Orange River Region have completed packing, expecting to complete packing by the end of Week 07. The Orange River Region exceeded its original harvest estimate (21.1 million cartons) by 14.2% and ended the season on 24.1 million cartons packed.
The Olifants River Region is expected to exceed its crop estimate (3.4 million cartons) by about 10%, with current inspection volumes (3.5 million cartons) already exceeding the estimate by 3.0%. They expect to finish by the end of next week, (Week 08).
To date the Berg River Region has reported an excellent harvest. The Sweet Globe, Autumn Crisp & Sweet Celebration cultivars are of notable quality this year. The harvest is expected to finish 7 to 10 days earlier than last year, with an increase in packing volumes anticipated over the next 2 to 3 weeks. Current figures indicate that the region's total should align closely with the crop estimate of 19.1 million cartons.
The Hex River Region is expected to finish earlier than last year. The first farms finished packing this week (Week 07). Localised hail in the region during Week 06 is likely to impact approximately 500,000 to 600,000 cartons (2.5% of total expected regional volume).
For more information:
Jacques Ferreira
Tel: +27 72 641 7881