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Rocco De Lucia from Siropack

"Reuse takes us back 50 years when it comes to packaging"

"Just like with pigs, nothing goes to waste when it comes to plastic." Rocco De Lucia, owner of Siropack, used this comparison to take apart the European policy which "without scientific grounds, is destroying years of work that the same EC guidelines imposed for the packaging sector."

"You must know that, for the past couple of years, the European Union has been changing the interpretation of what it had set out itself, going from recycling to reuse. Reuse takes us back 50 years, while recycling helps us keep up with the sustainable policies that safeguard the planet. When it comes to fresh produce, we must go towards packaged products, whatever the material used, to protect it, keep it healthy and prolong shelf-life. Otherwise it will only become available to the wealthy."

Rocco De Lucia in the Tailor research laboratory located within the company

Siropack features a research center in collaboration with the Bologna University to study the sustainability of materials. "Unfortunately, while us entrepreneurs used to be considered virtuous as we studied recycling and created new technologies and software, we are now seen as 'denialists' by politicians, especially by our 'friends' at the EU, because we are skeptical as regards eco-Nazism without scientific support. We are not the ones who have changed in two years! They are the ones making ideological choices without a shred of scientific document supporting their change of direction."

"We all want a better world, and we are working for it. But we are companies, entrepreneurs, we are not subjects. We are those who create wealth, not those who use up wealth with ideological choices. The protests carried out by the agricultural world over the past few weeks are a testament to the fact that too many politicians are not aware of the everyday reality of businesses."

For further information:
Siropack Italia S.r.l.

Via Balitrona 22/C
47042 Cesenatico (FC)
+39 0547 671116