The time of year when frost is most feared is approaching, and with it the need to protect against weather events that can ruin investments, work and, above all, crop production. Vincenzo Castiglione, agronomist and manager of AID, an Italian company highly specialized in the production of antifreeze fans, known and appreciated all over the world, takes a closer look at the situation.
The 2 parts of the photo of a WMD230 antifreeze fan are shown above and below
"Frost is on its way, and it's time to take the necessary precautions if you're not already equipped to avoid the damage," Castiglione explains. "The AID brand antifreeze fans sold by Oranfresh are an active defense against frost that has proven to be very valuable over the years. We are committed to satisfying the many requests of our customers, who are constantly being joined by new companies, thanks to the many testimonials from operators in the sector who have long chosen us."
"In Italy, our fans are very popular, especially in Piedmont and Emilia Romagna," he continues, "where we have been increasingly present in recent years with our WMD170 stationary fans with 175hp engine and 5.90m propeller and the world's most powerful WMD230 fan with 238hp engine (also Iveco) and 6.10m propeller.
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"Among the new features, this year our technical department has decided to install the AID engine externally," says the agronomist, "to avoid vibration of the engine and to ensure greater durability and performance during operation. We also have a new model of wheeled defroster, the tallest on the market, at almost nine meters. It is transported to the field and secured to the ground by stabilizers. It is powered by a 175hp engine and a 5.80 propeller. The main feature of the latter machine is that it adapts to the needs of a large farm where there are several crops and perhaps with offset flowering. The WMD170 carrellata (that's what it's called) can be used on the different flowering plots, that is, those that are at different phenological stages, so you have to move it with agility from one field to another, but also from one crop to another."
Vincenzo Castiglione
"If Emilia Romagna is our first region in terms of sales," says Castiglione, "it is also true that here we have established a partnership with Officina Morara, which provides excellent support to farms, even when there are problems with frost. Of course, our fans are very reliable. Recently we have improved some devices, such as friction and control units, making them among the most efficient in the world. We are very satisfied with our work and especially with our sales, with a commercial success especially in the Emilia Romagna region, also thanks to Daniele Morara, who has always supported us with his professional assistance."
For more information:
Dr. Agr. Vincenzo Castiglione
Uff. Tecnico-Commerciale Italia
95121 Catania, Italy
Dr.ssa Sofia Bono
Uff. Tecnico-Commerciale Estero