“According to the latest estimates, French carrot production in 2023-2024 for the fresh market (337,700 tons) will be 2% higher than last year. Surface area (9,980 ha) is expected to increase by 1%. At the start of the 2023-2024 campaign (May and June), prices were still very high, in line with the previous campaign. Prices have gone back down to normal levels since then, but are still higher than last year and higher than historical average levels,” according to the Agreste report of February 16th.
1% increase in surface area
“For the 2023-2024 campaign, the area planted with carrots in France for the fresh market is estimated at 9,980 hectares. This is a slight increase (+1%) from last year for the two main production basins. The production of carrots in France for the fresh market in 2023-2024 got off to a good start, with weather conditions favorable to root development. Production is expected to reach 337,700 tons for the campaign (2% more than in 2022-2023). However, production is down by 2% in southwestern France, which is the main production area.”
“Supply penalized by weather conditions”
At the start of the campaign, carrot exports were “active” due to a deficit in European supply, but the activity on the French market was “less dynamic”. The campaign began with high producer prices, in line with the trend seen at the end of the previous campaign. “Volumes and quality were satisfactory in terms of production, and prices adjusted downwards as production began in the various basins.”
In September, supply was more abundant “but the high temperatures diverted the demand and led to some downward price adjustments. In mid-October, activity remained sluggish due to mild temperatures, and prices struggled to stabilize."
In November, storm Ciaran “disrupted the market”, causing logistical and electricity problems, as well as difficulties with harvesting. “After the storm, rainfall continued to increase, complicating access to plots, generating sanitary problems and causing yields to drop.”
In December, “prices were firm with supply reduced by losses in the field. Carrot prices remained 12% higher than in the 2022-2023 campaign and 43% higher than the 2018-2022 average. However, prices for all fresh vegetables were more dynamic. Over the period from May to November 2023, the foreign trade deficit in carrots for the fresh market (20,600 tons) narrowed by 35% from last year, mainly due to the 63% increase in exports (44,500 tons vs. 27,300 tons over the same period in 2022-2023).”
Source: Agreste
Photo: Dreamstime