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Erik-Jan Thur, from Marni Fruit:

Egyptian Navel surplus puts pressure on orange market

The current demand for citrus fruits is somewhat subdued, according to Erik-Jan Thur, of Marni Fruit. "We are now importing Lane Late oranges from Spain. The price for the good sizes ranges between 12 and 13 euros, but it can drop to 11 euros in a slower market. Egypt, with its Valencias, also stands at around the 11 euro mark, but there are still plenty of leftover Navels in the market being sold off cheaply. This makes it challenging for Spanish citrus to maintain a strong position."

"Prospects were great at the start of the season, with Spanish oranges reaching prices of between 17 and 19 euros. However, with volume increases or changes in the weather, the market will quickly revert to more typical price levels. Moreover, with countries like Greece and Egypt entering the market, buyers tend to look elsewhere when faced with such high prices."

"Due to the holiday season, sales are slow in various European countries. My Spanish suppliers tell me that they are selling the larger sizes of both mandarins and oranges in Europe, but that the smaller sizes tend to be shipped to destinations like Dubai, where a higher price is paid for them," says Erik-Jan. "As for mandarins, the Clemenules season is already over, and we are now mainly importing Tangos and Nadorcotts. In most price lists, you see prices reaching 13-14 euros, but 12-13 euros is more realistic to keep sales moving. I also don't want to stock up too much, as I aim to keep offering fresh produce."

"I expect us to continue selling Tango and Nadorcott mandarins from Spain for another two or three weeks. The orange and lemon seasons will last a bit longer. Lemons are not reaching very high prices. We are currently selling standard quality lemons for 10-11 euros, and at that price, they are not exactly flying off the warehouse. Premium quality is sold for around 14-15 euros. However, there is plenty of supply, as Spanish suppliers are quite willing to offload larger quantities at competitive prices."

For more information:
Erik-Jan Thur
Marni Fruit BV
Gebroken Meeldijk 52
2991 VD Barendrecht, the Netherlands