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Calderoni technologies required in various situations

Exports are increasing

Expanding abroad is always good news for a developer of orchard management technologies. "We are pleased with the fact that our orchard management equipment is sought after not only in Italy, but abroad as well. Over the past few months, we have been doing business in Eastern Europe, countries like Azerbaijan and Spain and north Africa, just to name a few," reports Alessandro Calderoni.

The Unica technology, a system that enables the application of multiple tools to a single machine body, attracted a lot of attention at the latest fairs. "It is basically a tool holder that helps perform the most diverse crop operations simply by replacing the working organ. Unica stands out because various types of processing can be carried out using the same machine. Its plant shifting system and the speed and precision in avoiding trunks make it even more advanced. Another characteristic is the fact that it can also been installed in front of tractors equipped with front lifter or reversible driver's position."

For example, Unica with rear attachment features all the possible extras: hydraulic side movement, tool inclination, emergency return, electric controls, radiator for oil cooling.

The tools that can be applied to Unica include: rotating cutter with knives, mini chopper, mini cutter with helical knives, belt rotary brush, plow, rotating harrow with vertical teeth, weeding blade, ridging blade, inter-row mower disc, Biorotor with extensible wires.

"In a market that is increasingly limiting chemical weeding, the mechanical management of orchards is essential to protect the harvest and meet the low residue needs imposed by European big retail chains."

For further information
Calderoni Rolando srl
Via Dell'Industria 4,
47100 Forlì
+39 0543 720547