Rainy weather and muddy, saturated fields continue to be an issue in the southern California, western Arizona, Baja California and Sonora, Mexico growing regions. Wet conditions continue to impact the quality of fresh produce, limiting supplies.
Asparagus growing conditions from the Caborca, Mexico is optimal. The ten-day forecast predicts highs from 72-85 degrees and 49-60-degree lows. Production is up approximately 37% from weekending February 17. The increase in supplies and lackluster demand has coolers full and shippers making price deals.
Production is shifting into the 28-pound cartons/crates bunched, while 11-pound standard and large sizes are packed to order. Shippers sold some supplies for advertised specials and hot buys, but promotions will not begin until March. Retail demand is expected to increase for Easter near March 13, with Easter falling on March 31.
Avocado demand was better than expected, even as shippers reported adequate supply and moderate movement. This is an improvement post-Super Bowl when shippers struggled to move the fruit at higher prices. Shippers are talking more positively this week, with a little flexibility in prices. Movement of Mexico Crossings through Texas is expected to decrease slightly. Trading early was fairly active, late moderate.