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Pure pulp tomato variety Megalotom gaining popularity in Peru

The Megalotom pure pulp tomato introduced in Peru by Semiagro Peru is causing a stir in the local markets of the country. "We are revolutionizing agriculture with Megalotom, the only pure pulp tomato seed." says Ing. Cleidy Gelvez, Research and development manager at Semiagro Perú.

Semiagro Perú is a seed marketing company founded in Arequipa, Peru, which has been supporting farmers for more than 25 years in all stages of production, from seed to harvest. They together with Hazera, an international company specialized in seed development and hybrid vegetables, have been working together in the development and positioning of this new tomato in the Peruvian market.

"Megalotom, is the tomato seed, which is changing the game in the industry due to its unique characteristics in the market. At the epicenter of the agricultural revolution, Semiagro Perú stands out for its team of professionals, which have led the company to reach more than 80% of the share in the tomato market, leading the way with research and development of new and better varieties of vegetables for the benefit of agriculture," explains Gelvez.

The new seed is gaining the preference of farmers, "This is thanks to its unique characteristics such as its pure pulp format, XL-size, compact and firm fruits, which allows farmers to obtain a better post-harvest. It is ideal for long trips like to the jungle and the border of Tumbes and Tacna. In addition, it has a package of resistors such as V, F1, F2, TMV, MI, MIJ, TYLCV, TSWV, SL and Pto," states Gelvez.

Benefits for Peruvian households of flavor and nutrition
"In addition to its durability and post-harvest, Megalotom provides direct benefits to housewives. With its pure pulp format (full flesh), intense red fruits and a high lycopene content, this tomato not only delights the palate, but also provides a significant nutritional load. From pastas to salads and dressings, Megalotom is managing to position itself in Peruvian cuisine," says Gelvez.

Megalotom in the main markets of Peru
Megalotom is available in the main markets of Peru, including the Gran Mercado Mayorista de Lima, in Santa Anita, Mercado Moshogueque in Lambayeque, ACOMARE market in Arequipa, and the shelves of all supermarkets, such as Plaza Vea, Wong and Metro (Lime).

"Megalotom is the new revolution for all tomato producers. We invite you to try this new variety, ideal for hot climates, such as the Peruvian coast," concludes Gelvez.

For more information:
Ing. Cleidy Gelvez
Semiagro Perú
Tel: +51 994713269
Email: [email protected]