The stone fruit campaign is approaching, which means more work for agricultural and packaging businesses. There is a delay compared to last year, especially after the recent drop in temperatures.
Antonio Castelluccio, sales manager at Pack System, says that "we are expecting that least year's quantities of peaches, apricots, nectarines and plums, when the season was compromised by rain and the commercialized volumes dropped, will be confirmed. It is still early to make a reliable forecast, as the uncertain weather has extended the timeframe. It will all depend on how production and sales will go, which are in turn affected by the ratio between cost and revenues."
The types of packaging are the same used so far, and depend on the sales channel. "Those working with wholesale markets usually employ 50x30 cm secondary packaging containing 6 1 kg plastic punnets, with or without handles. We have many types available, which can be customized or not. Those working with the big retail chain opt instead for various solutions, such as plastic punnets (500 g and 1 kg) in 60x40 cm cardboard crates, as well as cardboard punnets of the same format, which can be customized or feature a polymer internal coating."
Then there are single layers with molded trays available in the 30x40, 30x50 and 40x50 formats. "All grades are always available for both plastic and wood pulp or paper solutions, which are in demand especially by those working with foreign markets and need to export produce to Germany, Austria and north European countries. For companies who care particularly about the environment, we have Ezy-Split® trays, a plastic-cardboard hybrid which is already in use for strawberries and which, in addition to reducing the quantity of plastic by 50%, provides excellent customization options helping companies stand out and promote their branded produce."
For further information:
Pack System Srl
Via Bellini, 11
75025 Policoro (MT) - Italy
+39 0835 901068
+39 339 2018577