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Lower Saxony

"Onion imports hit a saturated, declining market"

The marketing of Lower Saxony's storage potatoes is gradually coming to an end. In about three to four weeks, the last, aging stock is expected to hit the market, according to Bernd Ruschmeyer, buyer and seller at Heidesand eG based in Neuenkirchen. "Under normal circumstances, we still have sufficient regional storage potatoes available throughout May. It should also be mentioned that due to the good, satisfactory prices, there has been a high willingness to sell on the part of the farmers until the end."

Right: Bernd Ruschmeyer from Heidesand eG. He expects a significant expansion of the area for both potatoes and yellow onions.

Meanwhile, the loading of early potatoes from Egypt is picking up speed and is available in sufficient quantities. Additionally, storage potatoes from France are being traded. In a few weeks, Ruschmeyer also expects the first early potatoes from southern Spain, which will meet a receptive market this year.

From a quality perspective, the year 2023/24 will be remembered as 'moderate', Ruschmeyer continues. "Despite waterlogging and difficult harvesting conditions, we were spared major losses, but overall the qualities were not that exciting. Since there was not enough produce this year, these weaker batches were also taken, and we had to make a considerable extra effort in sorting to be able to utilize these potatoes as packing goods."

Goods receipt at the Neuenkirchen site.

Onions: Imports face a saturated, declining market
In Neuenkirchen, there is the packing plant of Heidesand for ware potatoes and onions. Here, the raw material is delivered directly from the farmer and processed and packed gently using the latest technology. In the past two to three weeks, there has been a significant drop in quotations on the onion market. Currently, the prices for regional storage onions are at 25 to 30 Euros/100kg. Ruschmeyer: "The onion market has noticeably collapsed in recent weeks, and everyone is now trying to get rid of their goods. The farmers are massively offloading produce, as the qualities have also started to suffer accordingly. This means that imports from Tasmania, New Zealand, and Egypt will later meet a well-saturated, rather declining market." Despite the wet harvesting conditions, the qualities were predominantly good in the first half of the season.

The production hall.

Contrary to yellow onions, the price level for red onions remains high and stable. "Red onions represent about 25 percent of our total onion turnover, with a slightly increasing trend observed."

More information:
Bernd Ruschmeyer
Heidesand Raiffeisen-Warengenossenschaft eG
Delmser Dorfstraße 5
29643 Neuenkirchen
T: 05195 / 89 19