"Which packaging is affected by the fruit and vegetable packaging ban?" "What alternatives do we have?" "When and by whom will the exemption lists be determined?" "Must the maximum void fill quotas of 50% also not be exceeded in internal goods traffic?" "Who does the many quotas and requirements affect, from when and in what form?" These and many more questions will be answered and discussed at the L&S Professional Exchange on the European Packaging Regulation.
For this purpose, high-ranking experts are available with one-hour lectures followed by time for questions and discussions. The lecture series will be opened by Dr. Markus Pauly, a PhD in Law and founder of the law firm PAULY. Lawyers in Cologne. His legal focuses have been in environmental law, especially in waste and emission control law, for over 25 years.
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Jonathan Scheck and Markus Pauly.
Dr. Pauly describes the new EU Packaging Regulation as a milestone: "The EU Packaging Regulation aims to establish uniform packaging law across all EU member states for the first time, as the regulation will be directly applicable in all member states. In addition to the general requirement that the regulation serves to reduce resource consumption and packaging waste in general and to promote the circular economy, the regulation also contains some new approaches that go beyond the current packaging law. For example, from 2030, packaging will no longer be allowed to be put on the market if it does not meet a certain minimum level of recyclability. Certain types of packaging are to be banned altogether. Moreover, the weight, volume, and void space of packaging are to be reduced to the necessary minimum, and packaging design is to be influenced. Although further details, e.g., regarding the recyclability of packaging, still have to be regulated by delegated legal acts, it is already foreseeable that there will be significant new regulations."
Costs, fees, and consequences under the microscope
Following Dr. Pauly, Jonathan Scheck from Interseroh+ will speak on "Costs, Fees, and Consequences Under the Microscope – a close look at the legal requirements for packaging from the perspective of a Dual System and Recycler."
Jonathan Scheck is a committed expert in the field of packaging recycling, holding a Bachelor's and Master's degree in Packaging Technology from the Stuttgart Media University. Since 2022, he has been working as a packaging engineer at Interseroh+ in the "Made for Recycling" department, where he focuses on the recyclability of packaging and improved circularity of packaging materials. With a passion for the circular economy, he actively contributes his expertise to promote recyclable solutions in the packaging industry.
In this lecture, possible costs and fees associated with packaging will be detailed, which can arise within the framework of legal requirements, including, for example, licensing fees. Special attention will be paid to the requirements arising from product responsibility for packaging and the PPWR. Possible solution approaches will be presented on how companies from the fruit and vegetable sector can meet these legal requirements.
Views and solution approaches from the paper-based and plastic-based industry
In the afternoon of the event, speakers from Smurfit Kappa and Klöckner Pentaplast will discuss views and solution approaches from the paper-based and plastic-based industry. The brief descriptions of these two lectures will be elaborated in issue 20 of Fruchthandel Magazine.
Registrations for the Professional Exchange by Lorentzen & Sievers are accepted until 20.05.2024. The number of participants is limited. Further information and registration documents are available at lorentzen-sievers.de.