The harvest for the new season of mangoes in India is currently ongoing, says Himant Chavda, chairman for Indian produce exporter Krish International: "Our mango export started and at the moment we are in the harvesting season. We export mainly three varieties of mango; Kesar mango, Alphonso mango and Badami mango, for which demand is always on the higher side due to their unique taste. Looking at the current situation, the mango season is going well. Prices are both good and stable, which means our export volumes are expected to increase in the coming weeks."
Despite news of heatwaves, the mangoes of Krish are not affected, according to Chavda. "In our region, the weather is still favorable for the mangoes, so the harvested quantities and the quality will be at a very good level. With these exports in mind, our focus for the trade is on Europe, Gulf, Canada and the USA markets, which always welcome the Indian mangoes."
The biggest impact of the Red Sea crisis comes from higher rates for airfreight, Chavda explains: "With the crisis in the Red Sea going on this year, many general sea cargo is being diverted to air shipments. This has a big impact on the air shipments themselves, as we see a logical hike in the freight rates compared to last year. However, thankfully our clients have accepted the current situation, have adapted to it and we're happy to be able to continue sending them shipments."
As clients seem to have accepted the new situation and higher transport prices, Chavda is confident they'll be heading towards a successful mango season. "The current mango season will provide us with the opportunity to increase our volumes during the harvest season, and we're surely being backed up by the orders of our buyers. In conclusion, have high hopes that this season will turn out really well for us," he concludes.
For more information:
Himant Chavda
Krish International
Tel: +917878119473