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Albanian greenhouse farmers continue to report large losses

Greenhouse farmers in Albania are facing significant losses in the sale of agricultural products this year, similar to previous years. The early planting strategy in January, aimed at capturing favorable market prices, has not yielded the expected benefits. Increased operational costs, including fertilizers and labor, have not been offset by the current selling price of tomatoes, which ranges between 30 and 40 lek per kg.

This situation is particularly challenging for farmers in Cërrik, central Albania, where the absence of state subsidies for small land parcels below 1 hectare is leading to financial distress. Local statistics indicate a decline in tomato exports in the initial months of the year. Additionally, the high retail prices of tomatoes, ranging from 80 to 130 lek in the capital, are affecting consumer demand. The World Bank's 2023 report "Towards Sustainable Growth" highlights the significant role of agriculture in Albania's employment and economy, yet it also points out the sector's minimal support compared to other Western Balkan countries.

[ 100 lek = €0.99 ]


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