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Dutch-Turkish collaboration in the soft fruit sector

In 2023, a consortium of Dutch soft fruit businesses, the Dutch Enterprise Agency (RVO), and the Netherlands Embassy in Ankara embarked on a three-year initiative aimed at fostering business relations between the Netherlands and Turkey within the strawberry, raspberry, and blueberry markets. This partnership seeks to enhance business cooperation and advance sustainable production methods, with a particular emphasis on the fresh market segment for these fruits. The project identifies significant potential within Turkey's growing sector for these products, anticipating continued expansion in the forthcoming years.

According to, Turkey's unique climatic conditions and geographical diversity are conducive to a prolonged and productive growing season, especially with the correct selection of plant varieties. Positioned at the crossroads of various trade routes, Turkey presents numerous commercial prospects with Europe, the Middle East, and the Eurasian region. Furthermore, Turkey's rich agricultural heritage lays a solid foundation for the development of the soft fruit industry, boasting several production advantages.

The initiative underscores the growth potential in Turkey's soft fruit sector, highlighting the need for expanded production areas, optimized use of varieties, and enhanced cultivation techniques and knowledge. The consortium believes that increased production volumes will swiftly lead to improvements across the sector and its production chain, positioning Turkey as a key player in the global soft fruit market.


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