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Sicilian grapes - good start for Victoria and Black Magic

"We started harvesting already on May 11th, i.e. 10 days earlier than the previous season. Volumes are currently limited, we are talking about a dozen pallets shipped to the domestic and foreign market every other day. Quantities will increase towards the end of the month, so supplies will constant and more abundant," explains Pippo Caggia, administrator at Superpippo from Mazzarrone, Sicily.

"Demand is lively, also due to the low supplies of stone fruit and strawberries. This is all due to the weather: a more balanced climate in the consumption areas would lead to the produce being even more appreciated. This year, sugar content is high at 15° Brix. Prices are also high, slightly higher than last year. These are busy days: it is not only the domestic market that is demanding grapes, but also European operators, especially from Eastern Europe."

The company, which is located between Mazzarrone and Licodia Eubea (both in the Catania province) boasts 50 hectares destined to early grapes and cultivated until late July, the medium-late cultivars such as Italia grapes and other seedless varieties start in August and continue until Christmas. The current campaign has started early and yields are lower than two years ago due to the mild temperatures in winter. The fertility level is low, as there are buds that only have one bunch."

For more information:
Pippo Caggia
Superpippo s.r.l.
C/da Giurfo sp. 38 III
95040 Licodia Eubea (CT)
+39 335 6294146