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Tomato prices soar in Morocco

Following a period of stability, tomato prices in Morocco have experienced a significant increase, now costing up to 14 dirhams per kilo in urban areas such as Casablanca. As of May 8, 2024, the price range for tomatoes in Casablanca has widened, with the minimum and maximum prices escalating by 0.80 and 2.80 dirhams per kilo, respectively, setting the new price bracket at 8.95 to 13.95 dirhams per kilo.

The surge in prices is attributed to several factors identified by fruit and vegetable producers. These include adverse weather conditions, fluctuations in supply and demand, and the costs associated with production and transportation. Policies governing imports and exports, alongside limited production and the availability of tomatoes on the market, have also been highlighted as reasons for the increased prices. In contrast, the prices for other fruits, such as bananas, apples, and oranges, have remained stable compared to the previous week.

[ 1 dirham = €0.09 ]


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