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Potato price increase expected in Ireland

Consumers in Ireland are anticipated to experience a rise in potato prices due to shortages that are pushing up costs. The price of potatoes in supermarkets has already seen a 17.3% increase compared to the previous year, and further rises are expected as a result of adverse weather conditions affecting last year's harvest and this year's planting season.

Data from the CSO indicates that in March, farmers received a 74% increase in payment for potatoes compared to the same period last year. Sean Ryan, National Potato Chairman with the IFA: "Scarcity of supply is reflected in the prices quoted... which have come off the back of unsustainable prices for the last 10 years." He emphasizes the necessity of current prices to maintain a viable potato industry. Despite the high prices for potatoes, Ryan notes that most growers are not benefiting from the price increases due to the majority of potatoes being sold directly from fields at harvest, when prices were lower.


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