Avolution Lab remains a leader in the creation of international projects with a significant impact on the avocado sector. "During the last meeting of Avolution Lab partners, we reviewed the status of the Avoguys and Avoreca projects, which have already been successfully launched to the market," says Enrique García, CEO of Avolution Lab.
"It was also decided to create a project based on the use of by-products from the guacamole industry, which we call Avowaste. Here, we will research the gastronomic potential of the skin and seed using modern culinary techniques with the help of the various hospitality schools we work with."
"But without a doubt, the issue that concerns us the most is the management and responsible and sustainable use of avocados which, for various reasons, fail to reach the market or the industry and must be used for oil extraction."
"There's still a lot of room for improvement in this sector because, until now, not enough attention has gone to process research and team coordination, which could lead to better quality of the extracted oil."
"The vast majority of avocado oil extracted worldwide ends up in a refinery to undergo a process that makes the product edible. This is the reason why we have decided to initiate the Avo Oleo Project."
"As with the other projects, we have created a multidisciplinary work team that will be interconnected, with each member sharing their experience, knowledge and achievements with the rest."
"This team is made up of avocado producers, marketers, oil factories, refineries, large oil distribution companies and waste composting companies."
"Although also interconnected, we will have the support of universities, technological centers, gastronomy schools, doctors and nutritionists."
"At Avolution Lab, we are convinced that these types of projects, which help in adding value to the avocados discarded for fresh consumption, are beneficial for the entire sector and, therefore, also for all producers."
"We are especially excited about having the support of the scientists from the Institute of Fat, a world-renowned institution in the study of oils and fats, who will help us in different areas of the project."
"Our doors remain open to all avocado oil producers around the world willing to improve their processes, market their oil, share their experiences, or become part of the Avolution Lab family."
For more information:
Avolution Lab
Tel.: +34 639 883 571