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Top-10 banana producing countries in the world in 2024

Bananas are a staple fruit worldwide. Their production is vital in numerous tropical and subtropical regions, significantly impacting local economies and providing employment opportunities. The global banana production is approximately 86 million tons annually, with India leading as the top producer with an output of 14.2 million tons. Following India, the list includes Brazil, Ecuador, China, the Philippines, Indonesia, Costa Rica, Mexico, Thailand, and Colombia. In 2024,

India is projected to maintain its position as the foremost banana producer globally, with an estimated production of 33 million tons, a figure that underscores its pivotal role in both the domestic and international banana markets. Notably, Maharashtra, located in central-western India, is among the key banana cultivation areas, contributing to this substantial yield. India's dominance in banana production is also mirrored in its consumption rates, marking it as the largest consumer worldwide.

Largest banana producing country in the world – India
India is the world's leading banana producer, boasting an annual yield of 30.5 million tons, significantly outpacing other nations. It also holds the title of the largest banana consumer. Major cultivation zones are found in the northeast and southern parts of the country, with Maharashtra, in central-western India, at the forefront of production. This vast banana farming industry not only fulfills domestic demand but also solidifies India's role as a key player in the global banana market.

Second largest country in terms of banana production – China
China is the second-largest banana producer in the world, growing 12.1 million tons annually. The majority of its banana cultivation takes place in the southernmost, tropical, and subtropical regions, specifically in Guangdong, Yunnan, and Hainan provinces. These areas provide ideal conditions for banana farming, contributing significantly to China's high production levels.


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