"Peru's 2024 mandarin season is starting with good prospects," according to Manuel Canales, CEO and owner of the exporter Peru Mc Fruits. "Although we have not yet reached the initial campaign start date that normally occurs every year, we already see that in most of the valleys the fruit is developing successfully in terms of colour and, above all, size."
Canales has been travelling to growing regions across Peru to visit many citrus farms to personally see what the mandarin and other fruit looks like. "The varieties that we produce and collect are Murcott and Malvasio. These are citrus fruits with thick skin, that come with and without seeds, which are of premium category 1 and category 2 quality for different markets. The sizes in this campaign look very favourable, with a high concentration between sizes 1X to 3X and lower percentages in sizes two and three.
He says their main markets to send the citrus are China and the United States. "New markets that we as exporter plan to open this season are Europe and South America. Normally, the Chinese market initially demands T3 to T1 calibres in colour and sizes from 2X to 3X, while the US market prefers T1 colour to full colour without calibre restrictions from 3X onwards. This diversified demand represents a good commercial opportunity to sell all our calibres. The starting prices in these markets are $12.5 per box and up."
Canales says the negative El Niño weather pattern seems to be behind them. "Currently, we have 10 associated producers in addition to our own production of 10 hectares. The citrus season is expected to extend from May 20 into the second week of October. The El Niño phenomenon does not appear to have negatively affected citrus production in Peru this year. On the contrary, the weather that occurs from the second week of April onwards is very favourable, benefiting the colour and size of the fruit, which is positive for producers and customers. We can deduce that El Niño no longer affects us in this campaign. Although the winter has not been as cold as other years, it has been enough to promote a good start to the season and our citrus production. After mandarins, we will continue with the harvest and export of blueberries, mainly to the United States, Canada and China."
Avocado market price instability
"As for avocados, the market has a lot of price instability and high demand for large sizes, something that this year's production has not been able to fully satisfy. A significant number of medium and small calibres persist, the latter being the most prevalent, as mentioned," concludes Canales.
For more information:
Manuel Canales
Peru Mc Fruit
Tel: +51 977 882 452
Email: mcanales@perumcfruits.com