There's no country where cauliflower is as popular as it is in the Netherlands. This is evident from the Factsheet 'Cauliflower in Focus' by GroentenFruit Huis: Cauliflower is one of the most consumed vegetables, enjoying popularity among families with children as well as the elderly. With an annual consumption of 3.2 kg per person, the Dutch are true cauliflower champions. For comparison, the average Brit consumes 2.4 kg, Polish consumption stands at 1.6 kg per person, and German consumers only reach 1.5 kg.
In 2023, the total Dutch consumption dropped due to a smaller supply mainly from Spain and France compared to the previous year, but there was an annual growth in the five years prior. Cultivation in the Netherlands mainly occurs in North Holland (West-Friesland), with the focus primarily on the domestic market.
Contrary to the smaller Spanish and French harvests, the Dutch harvest in 2023 was somewhat larger at 53 million kg. During the period from June to October 2023, or the time when Dutch cauliflower is widely available, Dutch consumers purchased nearly 10 percent more than the previous year. In the first and fourth quarters, consumer purchases fell by about 45 percent compared to the previous year.
Source: GroentenFruit Huis