After a challenging grape season from India characterized by abundant supply and low prices, the Italian season has kicked off with significantly higher prices. "We started the grape season from Sicily 14 days ago, which was 14 days earlier than last year," says Luciën de Wit of LuBa Fresh.
"Sicily experienced a mild winter and the quality, size, and taste of these tunnel-grown grapes look promising. We are now receiving the Victoria and Black Magic varieties in 5 kg packages. Demand has been exceptionally strong over the past two weeks. While there are still old grapes from India on the market, consumers are truly seeking fresh grapes. The first arrivals barely touched the ground. We are now starting to see slightly larger volumes coming in," the importer shares.
"Prices for Italian grapes are at a high level. We are currently selling them between 3.50 and 4.25 euros per kilo, but people are lining up for them. This is the case every year with the start of the Italian season. As for seeded black grapes, there are no alternatives. However, I expect that as more grapes enter the market from the second half of June, prices will start to decrease," says Luciën.
In addition, the Egyptian grape season with the Prime Seedless has also restarted this week at LuBa Fresh. LuBa Fresh primarily sells these in 4.5 kg packs to supermarkets and wholesalers. The Italian grapes are mainly finding their way to the German and Dutch wholesale markets. "But due to the high price level, this is not happening by the pallet loads just yet," Luciën explains.
LuBa Fresh receives fresh shipments from Italy two to three times a week. "Sicily has now started and from the end of June, beginning of July, we will continue the season with grapes from Puglia. Despite the rise of seedless grapes, the seeded varieties from Italy, such as Victoria's, Italia's, and Black Magic, remain very popular. Depending on the weather, we can continue with Italian grapes until December, so we are looking forward to the next six months," concludes Luciën.
For more information:
Luciën de Wit
LuBa Fresh
Tel: +31 (0)77 777 7715
Mob: +31 (0)6 41273443