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Violations found in import of onions, carrots, and strawberries into Khakassia from Central Asia

Inspectors from the Rosselkhoznadzor have identified violations in the importation of vegetables and berries from Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan into Khakassia.

In May 2024, Rosselkhoznadzor specialists, during an analysis of the FGIS "Argus-Phyto" data, uncovered nine violations related to the importation of quarantineable products into Khakassia by road. It was found that during the importation of 160 tons of onions and 20 tons of cabbage from Kazakhstan, as well as 21 tons of carrots and 15 tons of strawberries from Kyrgyzstan, the cargo owners failed to notify Rosselkhoznadzor about the delivery destination of the products.

Specifically, companies who are the recipients of high phytosanitary risk foreign quarantineable products did not inform the Management about the arrival or delivery of the products. Warnings have been issued to the violators regarding the inadmissibility of breaching mandatory requirements based on the identified violations.


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