Sicilian entrepreneur Pippo Caggia, administrator of Superpippo, is pleased with the commercial trend of the table grape season, which started over one week early around one month ago.
"We are harvesting bunches that boast surprising appearance and organoleptic qualities, with Brix levels between 14 and 16. 20-25 tonnes of produce are leaving the warehouse today, destined to Italian and, mostly, European markets. There has been good enthusiasms and liveliness during this first part of the year. Demand comes mainly from Germany, Poland, France, the Netherlands, Spain, Malta and a few French islands. Clients say they do not throw away not even one grape when it comes to our fruits. Harvesting produce that is perfectly ripe favors an increased purchasing frequency without destabilizing the market and growers with possible and premature depreciation."
The weather over the past few weeks has contributed to the good start of the season. "Temperatures are ideal and reach 27-30°C, which helps grapes take on a gradual and optimal color. We own over 100 thousand plants of traditional and seedless varieties. We are currently harvesting the Victoria, Black Magic and other red and white seedless cultivars. We return to the vineyards every 8 days, so we give bunches the time to ripen before we harvest them. The campaign will peak halfway through the month. We are hoping we can continue with this spirit."
For more information:
Pippo Caggia
Superpippo s.r.l.
C/da Giurfo sp. 38 III
95040 Licodia Eubea (CT)
+39 335 6294146