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Ukrainian harvest outlook:

Unpredictable berry prices amid abnormal weather

Despite the abnormal spring weather, Ukraine is expected to harvest enough berries for both domestic consumption and export, although prices might be unpredictable. In an interview with SEEDS, Taras Bashtannik, President of the Ukrainian Fruit and Vegetable Association, outlined the main factors affecting berry prices.

The abnormal weather caused some damage, particularly to blueberries, with losses averaging 10-15%. However, this should not significantly impact exports. Bashtannik believes the share of exports may even rise, despite a potential slowdown in domestic consumption due to the ongoing war and other factors. While predicting prices is challenging, they are likely to be similar to last year, with a possible 5-10% increase due to inflation.

Demand for raspberries remains high, and prices may see a 35-40% increase compared to last year when they were extremely low. However, international market demand remains uncertain, making it difficult to forecast until the autumn harvest.

One of the complicating factors for berry growers is the war, which has led to logistics issues and a shortage of drivers. This has increased the cost of delivery and other materials, effectively doubling the final price of berries. Further complications arise from prolonged power outages, particularly affecting berries that require freezing, such as raspberries. This has led some processing plants to cease operations, potentially increasing the market supply. Domestic consumption of strawberries is high, accounting for 65-70%, whereas about 90% of raspberries are exported.

In conclusion, the situation with the berry harvest in Ukraine remains complex and unpredictable. Production and export will depend on future developments, including weather conditions and external factors.


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