Sweet potatoes are grown throughout Vietnam, from the north of country right down to the south. They are very adaptable to different soil types and conditions.
"Sweet potatoes can grow in many different soil types because of their adaptability. The hot and dry weather is ideal for growing sweet potatoes. Adequate watering is also an important condition for sweet potato plants to grow," explains Ly Nguyen, Sales Executive at Van Xuan Agri.
"Recent weather has been good and sweet potatoes are abundant, there was a lot of rain throughout May so we didn't suffer from drought like other years. Sweet potatoes grow all year round, but this time of year they at their cheapest."
There are 4 common varieties, based on colour: white, purple, orange and yellow. However, yellow sweet potato is the most common for exporting out of Vietnam.
"Van Xuan Agri exports sweet potatoes to China, which often imports raw sweet potato while some other Asian and Europe countries such as Korea, Japan, the Netherlands, the USA, etc. import frozen, steamed sweet potatoes."
For more information:
Ly (Moon)
Van Xuan Agri
Tel: +84 0968239412
Email: moon.ly@vanxuanagri.com