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USDA allocates $50 million to farm labor program in the U.S.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has allocated $50 million to the Farm Labor Stabilization and Protection Pilot Program (FLSP Program), benefiting 141 recipients across 40 states and Puerto Rico. The initiative aims to support 177 agricultural operations and over 11,000 workers, addressing labor shortages and instability within the U.S. food supply chain. By enhancing protections for farmworkers and expanding legal labor migration pathways, the program seeks to improve the conditions for both domestic and migrant laborers.

Secretary Tom Vilsack highlighted the importance of farmworkers to the agriculture sector and the nation's food security, emphasizing the program's focus on small and mid-sized farms. "These grants will primarily support small and mid-sized farms, helping them to hire and retain essential workers to stay competitive while uplifting rural communities," Vilsack stated. He further commented on the significance of improving working conditions and quality of life for farmworkers as a crucial step towards a more resilient food supply chain, reflecting the Biden-Harris Administration's dedication to supporting both employers and farmworkers.

FLSP Program Highlights

  • Support for Smaller Farms: The program aims to assist small and mid-sized farms in maintaining a stable workforce.
  • Better Working Conditions: The grants will fund initiatives to create safer and healthier environments for farmworkers.
  • Ethical Recruitment: Emphasizing fair and ethical recruitment practices to protect farmworker rights.
  • Legal Migration Pathways: Expanding legal migration options, including the H-2A visa program for workers from Northern Central America.


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