At the end of May, BelOrta sold the first BelOmelon melons of the Belgian 2024 season. This puts them on the market earlier than ever, they report.
Unique growing method
The first melons, of the Charentais type, come from greenhouses. The plants are also grown vertically. "Unknown to many, melon plants are related to cucumber plants, among others. So they do not necessarily have to be grown lying on the ground, but can also grow perfectly vertically, guided on wires. The advantage of such a growing system is that you get nicely round-shaped melons and the fruit is less subject to pressure from diseases and pests. Moreover, it is more ergonomic work for the grower."
Grown in Sint-Katelijne-Waver
The first Belgian Charentais melons were grown and supplied this year by father Josef and daughter Indra De Weerdt from Sint-Katelijne Waver. "The sweet taste brings summer right to the table. As a Belgian retailer, Colruyt Group was the first to offer these prime Belgian melons to customers."
For more information:
Mechelsesteenweg 120
B-2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver, Belgium
Tel: +32 (0)15 55 11 11