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OP Agricola Campidanese

Lively early season for Italian watermelons

The arrival of African temperatures, with highs of more than 40 degrees Celsius (104 degrees Fahrenheit), bodes well for operators in the sector, as it could have a positive impact on the consumption of summer fruits, boosting demand.

"Although the watermelon season started 10 days earlier," says Salvatore Lotta, commercial director of the Italian producer organization O.P. Agricola Campidanese, "consumption has been relatively low so far, except for weekend sales, where we have seen more interest. Unfortunately, northern Italy has seen a succession of cool and rainy days, with maximum temperatures not exceeding 22°C. This was not conducive to adding these items to the shopping cart. The situation was even worse in Europe, where temperatures in some countries hovered around 8-12°C. A commercial and climatic trend that seems to be gradually improving in these last hours, with the knowledge that the scorching heat may soon give a decisive boost to purchases."

The manager goes on to explain that another aspect may have contributed to the mismatch between supply and demand at this early stage of the year, and that is the presence of a wider range of fruit and vegetables than was available 12 months ago. "Last year, large quantities of summer fruits, especially stone fruits, were missing from the harvest due to destructive weather events. Households are now turning to other fruits whose consumption is not affected by the weather. On the other hand, there is no overproduction of watermelons and melons, only - at least so far - a lack of temperatures more in line with the season."

The Sardinian company is harvesting Eleonora and Gavina mini watermelons under polytunnels in the open field, following a covered harvest. "We are in the process of the gradual placement of the products in the different Italian points of sale. But we will start with the foreign supply chains from next week. The climate in the cultivation areas has been favorable, which has allowed us to guarantee quality and size to our customers."

At the beginning of July, O.P. Agricola Campidanese will start its usual advertising campaign, with commercials on TV, radio and in national newspapers, a strategy that, among other things, will help improve brand awareness and increase sales in peak months, especially after a weak start."

For more information:
Agricola Campidanese
Via Doria, 5
09098 Terralba (OR) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0783 022959
Email: [email protected]

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