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New potato season in Ukraine witnesses price drop

The new potato season has commenced in Ukraine, with producers reducing prices. As of mid-June, prices have decreased by almost a quarter compared to mid-May.

Monitoring by OBOZ.UA shows this trend, corroborated by regional buyers. Initially, the 2024 harvest potatoes sold at an average of UAH 100/kg. Increased supply has now driven prices down to UAH 30/kg in large retail chains.

On June 18, large supermarkets sold new potatoes at an average of UAH 28.87/kg, though some chains maintain prices at UAH 40. Mostly imported vegetables are available, with major grocery stores setting prices as follows:

  • at "ATB" new crop potatoes cost UAH 28,89/kg;
  • at "Silpo" - 28,9 UAH/kg;
  • in "Fora" - 28,9 UAH/kg;
  • in "Fora" - 28,9 UAH/kg;

Similar pricing is observed in wholesale and retail markets. For instance, "Stolychny" in Kyiv averages UAH 30/kg, and "Shuvar" in Lviv averages UAH 27.5/kg.

[ 10 UAH = €0.23 ]


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