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British blueberry season begins with new AI-assisted machinery

The British blueberry season has commenced, and supermarkets will soon stock shelves with berries. Hall Hunter Partnership, a leading UK producer, aims to boost British blueberry production this summer.

From June to September, 20,000 tonnes of blueberries are sold in the UK, but only 6,000 tonnes are domestically grown. Hall Hunter plans to harvest 3,000 tonnes this year, representing 50% of UK output. Jim Floor, Managing Director at Hall Hunter Partnership, stated, "British blueberries are low on food miles and mighty on flavour - good for the people and for the planet."

Hall Hunter anticipates a strong crop due to favorable weather and effective pollination by their bee population. The company employs over 1200 workers through the seasonal workers scheme, with a 65% return rate annually. A new harvesting machine and an Elifab grading and packing machine utilizing AI technology aim to enhance efficiency.


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