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First leeks on carriers

From 2015 to 2021, Inagro vzw, in cooperation with REO Auction, conducted an experimental study of leek cultivation via hydroponics on an outdoor Deep Float Technique (DFT) system. The study showed several advantages of this system, such as extensive mechanisation and automation possibilities, low environmental impact and higher productivity per unit area compared to traditional cultivation.

On Tuesday 18 June, the Boudry family from Kemmel delivered the very first leeks on floating carriers at the REO Auction. This leek is of excellent quality with a remarkably high proportion of white. REO Auction and Inagro will continue to scale up this growing system in the coming months.

For more information:
REO Auction
Oostnieuwkerksesteenweg 101
Belgium - 8800 Roeselare
Tel. +32(0)51 23 12 11

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